My Approach

Adapted from a drawing by the pioneer of neuroanatomy,
Santiago Ramon y Cabal
“Purkinje neurons from the human cerebellum,” an 1899 drawing.
Credit: Cajal Institute, Madrid

We humans think in stories. That's how we make meaning of our life experiences. All art forms, from dance to music to performing arts and image making, begin with stories.

I invite memories because they are stories. When we recall and reflect on our experiences we create our story. 

What is the story of the three little pigs leaping? They were painted 45,000 years by a human hand. One of the oldest known figurative paintings, the pigs were painted in ochre on limestone walls of Leang Tedongnge cave on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi.

The various forms of creative expression help us share our story. In so doing we connect with ourselves and others in positive ways. We build community. 

Art project done by middle schoolers, Boston, 2019